This cold chocolate milk is a simple homemade recipe which literally takes just seconds to make but is equally loved by toddlers, children and adults. It is a savior when your toddler throws one of their famous tantrums. It’s healthier than store bought shakes since we know what goes into it.
Prep time – 1 minute
Cook time – 1 minute
Serves – 1
- 1 tsp unsweetened natural cocoa powder
- 2 tsp powdered sugar
- 200ml cold milk

Cooking Instructions
- Take a blender jar. Add milk, cocoa powder and powdered sugar. Blend till smooth.

- Pour into a glass and serve.

Recipe notes
- You can substitute sugar with unrefined cane sugar or jaggery to make it healthier.
- You can add chocolate syrup / ice cream / choco chips to make it a richer dessert. Since I wanted this to be a simple hassle free recipe which you can whip up in a few seconds I kept it so simple.
- You can add a pinch of salt while serving for adults.